
Mill Roll Hardening Systems

For the surface heating of steel parts, induction heating is considered to be the application best suited for this. Induction heating has many applications and is especially effective in hardening rolling mill rolls.


Inductotherm Coating Equipment

rue de Hermée, 197 BE4040, Herstal Belgium


The expanding development of cold rolling mills, in which the rolls are subjected to high stresses, is being pursued in parallel with research to obtain rolls with high strength and resistance to surface wear.
Induction heating has greatly contributed to improvements in hardening depth, with subsequent improvement in distribution of residual stresses.
This has increased roll life and reduced the number of retreatment cycles that rolls must undergo before completely wearing out.

Inductotherm Belgium installed the first induction hardening machine for mill rolls in 1948 and since then supplied equipment to most of the roll producers worldwide.

Tech Specs

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